[August 2022] Sibin is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The George Washington University .
[May 2022] Sibin is part of a team comprising of Texam A&M, Oregon State, Georgia Tech and industry partners that was awarded a $2.7 million DoE grant on “Protecting the power grid through cyber-physical threat response”.
[Summer 2022] Multiple students graduate from our lab. Austin defended his Ph.D. successfully and is now working at Anyscale. Debopam and Vishakh successfully submitted their MS theses.
[March 2022] Sibin is awarded the NSF CAREER Award for his proposal, “CAREER: Indistinguishability Prevents Information Leakage in Real-Time Schedulers”.
[January 2022] Multiple papers accepted at top systems and security conferences and journals, viz. EuroSys 2022 and ACM TCPS. See the publications page for details.
[November 2021] Ashish’s paper on the PIR Sensor resiliency wins the best paper award at BuildSys 2021! See the publications page for links to the talk.
[November 2021] Sibin will be the industry chair for RTSS 2022. Submit your ideas and papers!
[August 2021] Disha Agarwala completes her M.S. degree!
[July 2021] Multiple papers accepted at top systems and security conferences, viz. INFOCOM 2021, RTAS 2021, CACM Reearch Highlights, BuildSys 2021 and ACM CCS 2021. See the publications page for details.
[March 2021] New project funded by ONR on research with undergraduate students title, “Accelerated Learning and Engineering Research Training (ALERT) Program in Cyber and Electronic Warfare for Undergraduate Midshipmen and Cadets”.
[December 2020] Sibin is the area chair for real-time and cyber-physical systems in the newly formed Journal of Systems Research.
[November 2020] Monowar successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis! He will be an Assistant Professor at Wichita State University.
[September 2020] Listen to Sibin’s interview on Northern Public Radio on the fallout from a ransomware attack at Illinois Valley Community College.
[August 2020] C.Y. successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis! He heads off to work with NVidia Research.
[May 2020] Our paper MiDas: Containerizing Data-Intensive Applications with I/O Specialization has been accepted to appear at P-RECS’20 workshop, affiliated with ACM HPDC 2020.
[April 2020] Our paper titled, A Linux in Unikernel Clothing published at the ACM EuroSys conference, April 2020. Austin (virtually) presented the work at EuroSys 2020.
[December 2019] Our paper titled, Set the Configuration for the Heart of the OS: On the Practicality of Operating System Kernel Debloating has been accepted at the ACM SIGMETRICS conference, June 2020.
[December 2018] C.Y. successfully defends his prelim exam.
[November 2019] Thanks to AMD for donating the Radeon Vega 20 Graphics card to our group!
[November 2019] Our paper on Period Adaptation for Continuous Security Monitoring in Multicore Systems has been accepted at the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference, March 2020.
[October 2019] Our paper on Securing Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication Platforms has been accepted publication in the IEEE Journal, Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV), 2019.
[September 2019] Our paper on Protecting Actuators in Safety-Critical IoT Systems has been published at the ACM CCS Workshop on the Internet of Things Security and Privacy (IoT S&P)
[August 2019] New project funded by Toyota on Security for V2X Communications
[July 2019] Our paper on anomaly detection in smart electric vehicles has been published at SmartGridComm 2019
[June 2019] Roll Call magazine interviewed Sibin about the Pentagon’s problems with hiring smart computer science students
[May 2019] Our paper on VetPLC, a tool for automatically finding bugs in PLC code used in manufacturing systems, was presented at IEEE S&P 2019
[May 2019] Arvind Kamal completes his M.Eng. degree! He starts work for Jump Trading LLC in Chicago
[April 2019] Our paper on ScheduLeak, i.e. novel side channels in the schedulers of real-time systems was presented at RTAS 2019 during CPS-IoT Week 2019
[April 2019] Organized a workshop, SM2N, on Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing Systems as part of CPS-IoT Week 2019.
[March 2019] The News Gazette recently interviewed Sibin, CY and Monowar about our teaching efforts for middle school students. The Computer Science department as well as the Corodinated Science Lab (CSL) at UIUC had written about it before, here and here.
[March 2019] Fardin Abdi successfully defends his Ph.D.! He moves on to working for Uber
[December 2018] Multiple journal papers accepted: one on restart-based security platforms for safety-critical CPS in IEEE IoT journal and a survey on the security of real-time IoT systems in the SENSORS Journal
[May 2018] XuanYao Zhang completes his Masters degree! He now works for Cisco in the Bay area.
[November 2018] Sibin organized a mini workshop on digital twins for smart manufacturing as part of the NSF CPS 2018 PI Meeting.
[October 2018] Sibin organized a special session on “The Future of IoT Security” as part of ESWEEK 2018 in Turin, Italy. Also published a paper at EMSOFT 2018 as part of this event
[August 2018] New project funded by Boeing on Machine Learning-Based Communication and Anomaly Detection in Distributed Autonomous UAV Swarms
[June 2018] Sibin organized the 3rd Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems co-located with DSN 2018
[May 2018] Chaitra Niddodi and Kyo-Hyun Kim complete their Masters degree! They both continue on to their Ph.D. in our lab.
[April 2018] Sibin organized the First International Workshop on Security and Privacy of the Internet-of-Things co-located with IoTDI 2018
[January 2018] Our lab welcomes its first baby, Audrey! C.Y. is the proud father.
[October 2017] New project funded by NSF titled An Exploration of Schedule-based Vulnerabilities in Real-Time Embedded Systems. The aim is to understanding security threats to real-time and cyber-physical systems and how to protect against them
[June 2018] Sibin co-chaired of the 2nd Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems co-located with RTSS 2017
[June 2017] New project funded by ONR titled Tools and Techniques for Debloating Containers. The focus is on developing secure, lightweight, cloud computing systems
[June 2017] New project funded by DoE titled INGRESS: Advanced Cybersecurity Platform for Distributed Energy Resources. The project aims to develop cybersecurity defenses for renewable energy resources such as electric cars
[January 2017] Man-Ki Yoon successfully defends his Ph.D.! He moves on to working as a Research Scientist at Yale.
[December 2017] Our paper, “Integrating Security Constraints into Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems” [link to paper], won the best student paper award at the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2016. This is the flagship conference in the field of real-time and embedded systems. The paper was also listed among the outstanding papers in the conference. News about the award.
[June 2016] New project funded by NSF titled Software-Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems. This is a multi-university, NSF frontiers project [including Univ. of Michigan and Cornell] that aims to improve the design and security of manufacturing systems of the future. More news about this project